Monday, September 17, 2012

Overcoming Uncertainty

One morning I walked into my boss’s office and sat down.  From the way he was looking at me I knew it wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation.  We began to talk and at the end of the meeting I found myself packing up my office and catching a ride home from an employee.  My company truck had to stay and I had to go.  After 9/11 the business I was a part of was about to fold and they could no longer keep me on their payroll. I was a victim of downsizing. I had seen it happen to other people, even close friends, but now it was happening to me. 

I walked into the house with my box tucked under my arm and I began to weep.  Kristy came over to me and asked me what had happened.  I told her that I just lost my job. I had a mortgage, a car, a wife, a 2 year old son and no income.  I was devastated to say the least, but I had decided that it wasn’t going to get the best of me. The very next day I began searching for a new job. I woke up everyday with a pressed shirt and determination in my step to find more income.  However, at the end of four months I had no job and no more savings. It was right then that I began to doubt!  I began to doubt myself, my decisions and my God. 

We all have stories like this in our life.  We come to the end of the road and the unpredictability of life sneaks up on us leaving us to question what is going on. 

Life actually is fair.  It will bite all of us at one time or another.  Deuteronomy 28:66 says it this way; “So your life shall hang in doubt before you; and you will be in dread night and day, and shall have no assurance of your life.” There have been seasons in our life that we could not have said it any better!

We often say, “God, why did you let that happen to me?”  We begin to doubt God because He has let us down. 

In actuality what happens is that we have put our trust in every other thing except God.  We put our trust in our own abilities only to be let down when we don’t perform the way we should.  We put our trust in other people only to be let down when they aren’t there for us in critical times. We put our trust in our money only to be let down when the well runs dry.  Children who have suffered abuse from their parents doubt any other relationship that comes into their life.  People who have been divorced doubt the next love of their life.  People who have watched a loved one die doubt the reasoning behind it.  Everywhere we go it seems like doubt is always there to welcome us home. Life just has a way of making us doubt.

It is easy to blame God when bad things happen.  We tend to view God as some sort of cosmic vending machine that is supposed to keep everything in order for us so that our lives can remain as comfortable as possible.  But God doesn’t work that way.  Actually God uses doubtful situations in our life to draw us closer to Him.  God’s desire is to move us away from artificial faith and into authentic faith. 

Artificial faith is anything man made and we tend to put our trust in those things. The things we can create and control because they are tangible.  Authentic faith, however, is a faith that cannot be shaken by any of life’s circumstances.   Why would God allow us to camp out in our artificial faith when we could have the real deal? 

He loves us enough to move our faith beyond our circumstances.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:8-9

In moments of uncertainty it is impossible for us to know what God is doing in our lives but as long as our trust is in Him then we have no reason to doubt our circumstances.  Let’s move beyond the artificial and into the authentic faith that God is good and He is who He says He is. He is on your side.

He is our strong tower. A place of refuge and strength.  Psalm 61:3

Thursday, May 17, 2012

First Love

Do you remember your very first love?  You know...the one that made you fuzzy on the inside.  I remember mine well.  I was experienced at love when I fell for this beauty.  I was in the fourth grade and she was in the third.  We were so in love that we decided to spray paint our names on the street in front of my house.  Yeah...I was true!  We were steady for 4 years.  Yes, 4 years! the eighth grade she had lost interest in me.  I knew something was up because we weren't sitting at the same lunch table anymore.  I remember the day well and I knew it was coming when I saw her beady eyed little friend approaching my table with a smirk on her face. Before I knew it this little monster was standing in front of me twirling her hair and smacking her gum. As she opened her venomous little mouth I braced myself for the pain. "She wants to break up with you today because you're to chubby."  Too chubby?  I mean yeah I had gained a little weight but that just crossed the line! She was throwing away 4 years of pure bliss over a couple of pounds? She did and in the blink of an eye it was over.

Needless to say my heart was broken and my first love was gone. Oh how my little chubby heart wept.  I'm over it now but it took awhile.

Why do we choose to walk away from our first love? I guess in my case "it" walked away from me. 

But when it comes to our spiritual journey listen to what Christ says;

"I know you are enduring patiently and are bearing up for My name’s sake, and you have not fainted or become exhausted or grown weary. But I have this one charge to make against you: that you have abandoned the love that you had at first, you have deserted Me, your first love. Revelation 2:3-4 (AMP)

You see, I work real hard at trying to do the right things.  I mean, I do good stuff for God so what am I missing? Doing good stuff FOR God is completely different than being WITH God.  I find myself walking closely to what appeals to my nature and not closely enough to what appeals to His nature and without realizing it I have quietly and rebelliously drifted away from my first love.  

As a follower of Christ do whatever it takes to return to your first love.  When you do you will be glad you did.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

How clean are the feet of those who betray us?

I had a thought this morning.  Yes, I know, some of you are shocked, but I think it is a legitimate thought.  Most of us know the story of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples right before going to the cross.  And most of us know that Peter had the biggest issue with it.  Peter's argument, I believe was two-fold.  #1:  Why would the most powerful man in the room stoop down and wash my feet? and #2:  I will have to model this behavior and it doesn't suit me.  I mean after all Jesus was the teacher, rabbi and master and Peter didn't like where this was going.

But my thoughts this morning turned to Judas, the one who ultimately betrayed Jesus.  Jesus knew him well.  He knew his motives and what he would do in just a few moments.  He (Judas) would get up from the table and set out to betray the One he had just spent three years with.

And Jesus washed his feet anyway.

John 13:12 says, and when He had finished washing THEIR feet, He put on His garment and returned to His place.  It doesn't say that He washed the feet of only the ones who were true to Him.  He washed the feet of ALL of His disciples including Judas.  Let that sink in for a minute.  Jesus washed the feet of the one who would betray Him.  Jesus knew what Judas was about to do and He served him anyway.

What a lesson in humility for me this morning.  In my heart, I know that I am able to serve and love those who will serve and love me back.  However, I can't seem to wrap my mind around serving and loving those who won't return the favor, much less the people in my life who betray me.  If someone betrays me once then shame on them but if someone betrays me twice then shame on me, right?

I have a long way to go in what unconditional love must look like in my life.  I mean, Jesus must have known that I too would betray Him, but made the decision to serve me anyway.

The ultimate form of service, on a cross, laying His own life down to ransom mine. How many times have I looked into the face of Jesus and said, "No thanks" as His unconditional love said, "That's ok Ty. One day you will understand."

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Monday, March 5, 2012

Once you find it...never let it go!

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There is so much clutter in our lives.  Sometimes I believe our goal in life is to be so distracted with stuff that it numbs the pain of our existence.  We work very hard at making life work for us and somewhere in the middle of our existence there is something so precious and valuable. Something worth fighting for! Yet it can get pushed out of the way if we are not careful.  Search for it!  It’s found in the middle of all the clutter.

And when you find it…never let it go!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Source of Satisfaction

Lately I have been in a place in my life where I am struggling to find satisfaction.  God is good, life is great but there is something deep within me that longs for something more.  Henry David Thoreau says it this way, 'The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."  What a quote, huh?  Quietly desperate.  Desperate for more.  More of what? Who knows. Just desperate. 

Life seems so purposeless and mundane at times.  The routine of it all seems bleak. I long for the day when I can shed this desperation like old skin?  Where do I turn to find the satisfaction that I desperately long for.  Church?  Hobbies? Work?  Facebook? Movies? 

Not even close do these things come to satisfying the deep parts of our soul. These things are like layers of mediocrity compared to what we truly need. The surface of the ocean doesn't even come close to the beauty of what is underneath it.  I find myself spending so much time skimming the top of my life and never really understanding the beauty that lies underneath the surface of it.  

Satisfaction is not circumstantial.  It doesn't come based on whatever circumstance we find ourselves in. It has to come from a deeper place. A deeper source.

Enter stage right:  Jesus Christ.  Every single time I get to a place of quiet desperation I quietly find myself at the feet of the only one who can bring deep satisfaction.  It is then and there that my heart rests.  That I begin to hope again.  The surface becomes the deep. The source becomes the satisfaction.

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Luke 6:21

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Africa, Detroit or to the uttermost....

Last night I woke up with a scary thought!  What if God chose to send me to Detroit!  Would I go?  I mean me, Africa seems better than Detroit. 

You see, I never have wanted to fully surrender to God's destiny in my life because it might include being stuck in Africa where McDonald's and Wal-Mart don't exist.  Heaven forbid! God, please!  I will do anything else but not Africa. I mean after all I am an American and I can do more for you in America!  I promise I could...let me just show you.

Wait...hang on a second...let me add something to this prayer God...I love the South!  I mean after all I am a southern American so I will just serve you in the South. Yeah, that's what I will do. I will serve you in the Southern part of North America. Ok?

But God if I may get a little more specific with you.  There are parts of the South that are just a little too cold for me. I mean after all I was born and raised in Florida and me and cold don't like each other very much, so here is what I will do for you God - I will serve you!  No applause necessary...remember, I am just your humble and obedient servant who is fully surrendered and sold out to declaring your incredible love to people!  Yay me! 

However, if I could do it in the Southern part of America, specifically Florida, then I am all in! And by the way...You are welcome.  I know you want me all to yourself so I am here ready to serve you anyway I can in Florida. 

Yep..that sums it up. I'm good if you are!  Thanks for this little conversation we had tonight God. I feel much better.  Detroit?  That was a good one God!  You are too funny.